So you are looking for a brand new juicer, or perhaps you already have a juicer at home but are after some information on how to get the most out of it. Whatever the case, you have come to the right place, as I will be discussing the very best wheatgrass juicers on the market right now.
But before we get started, you may be wondering, what is wheatgrass and why should I juice it? Wheatgrass grows in temperate areas of both Europe and the United States and resembles… well, grass.
But one should not be put off by its grasslike texture and appearance as wheatgrass is packed full of goodness that you will not want to go without. It is a natural source of vitamins A, E, C, K and B6 and is also a great source of calcium, magnesium and iron. Wheatgrass also contains 17 amino acids and a whopping 8 of these amino acids are ones that cannot be produced by the body and have to come into our diet via food, so consuming it is a great way of giving the body just what it wants and needs.
Now, I am sure you have been fully convinced about just how beneficial wheatgrass is for the body and are ready to start juicing it by the bucketload. But before you do so it is good to know a little bit more about wheatgrass and what it tastes like.
Wheatgrass has a bitter flavor when consumed on its own but is very pleasant when juiced alongside other fruits and vegetables. If you already have a juicer and a wheatgrass plant at home, perhaps you are keen to get started on making your first glass of homemade wheatgrass juice, but to do so you will need a great recipe.
I balanced quite a few ingredients together until I found what I think are the very tastiest wheatgrass juice recipes. It was a case of trial and error, copying some recipes I found on the internet and in various cookbooks and then adding my own personal favorite fruits and vegetables to the mix in order to make something really tasty and put my personal stamp on my juice. Once I had found a few great wheatgrass, fruit and vegetable combinations I started sharing my juices with my partner who now cannot get enough of them. So I would like to share them with you too so that you can have a taste of the wonders of wheatgrass that is outstanding in nutritional benefits.
Table of Contents
7 Best Reviewed Wheatgrass Juicers
Are you looking for the very best wheatgrass juicers? Then look no further as the following is a collection of 7 of the most awesome wheatgrass juicers on the market right now. Here we go…
Omega NC900HDC

Are you looking for the very best of the best? Then this Omega wheatgrass juicer may just be the make and model for you.
The adjustable end cap on this juicer comes with 5 settings so that you can really extract every last drop of goodness out of your wheatgrass.
This juicer spins at a fascinating speed of 80 revolutions per minute, the perfect speed to get all of the nutrients out of your wheatgrass.
Forget the messy clean up! The pulp extraction feature on this juice extractor will mean you will never have to get your hands dirty again!

Here is a great top of the range electric wheatgrass juicer.
This juicer comes with a reverse function button, helping you to clean it easier and more safely should any food get stuck in the chute.
The juicer is BPA free, saving you the worry about harmful chemicals.
It has a really quiet but powerful 150-watt motor that works away at a sound level of just 60 decibels, meaning you can use it early in the morning without having to worry about disturbing any of the family.

Are you fed up of chopping or always find yourself in a bit of a rush in the morning? Not to worry as this juice extractor has a 65mm wide chute so that you can slide most of your fruit and vegetables in whole, no dicing required.
It is BPA free, so it is safe to be used by the whole family and does not contain harmful chemicals and toxins.
It comes with handy overheat protection, that will turn the juicer off mid-operation, should it become too hot.
The vertical design is compact and saves on kitchen countertop space.
Omega J8006

It doesn’t have to be tricky looking for the best juicer for wheatgrass as here is another fantastic model by Omega.
It works at the perfect speed, spinning at 80 revolutions per minute – ideal for extracting the maximum amount of juice and vitamins from fruit and vegetables, especially wheatgrass.
It operates smoothly, without clogging or foaming your juice.
This model is super easy to clean as it comes with a pulp extraction feature, so that you don’t have to get your hands dirty, continuously stopping the juicer to remove a pesky build up of pulp.
Breville 800JEXL

If you are excited about juicing wheatgrass Breville has a juicer that you will love. This Breville juicer wheatgrass, fruit and vegetable expert will have a delicious glass of juice squeezed together in a jiffy.
This 1000 watt juicer has a really powerful engine and 2 speed controls, going up to a fasicnating 13,000 revolutions per minute.
The stainless steel housing and vertical design is the perfect solution for a modern or traditional clutter-free kitchen.
The 3 inch chute gives you enough space to slide some fruits and vegetables in whole, saving you time on chopping.
The Original Healthy Juicer Lexen GP27

Manual wheatgrass juicers are also fantastic at squeezing out all of the juice and nutrients from wheatgrass. If you have been hunting high and low for the best manual wheatgrass juicer then look no further.
This juicer comes with all of the best safety features you can imagine, – a table clamp and a secure locking suction base, to make sure it stays in place, making it easier and safer for you to crank.
It comes in a very tasteful white or green so that you can choose the color that will best suit the style of your kitchen.
Miracle Exclusives MJ445

Have you spent an age looking at different juicer models, scrolling through manual wheatgrass juicer review after review trying to find the best appliance?. Well then the search is over!
The rubber pads on this manual wheatgrass juicer are damage protecting so that you can be confident your kitchen countertop will remain undamaged after use.
Save the elbow grease as the ergonomically designed crank handle turns with ease!
The matt stainless steel finish on the juicer will look fantastic in both modern and more traditional style kitchens.
The Best Wheatgrass Fruit And Vegetable Juices:
Juice two medium sized green apples, 1 medium sized cucumber and a handful of wheatgrass in the juicer. If it is still bitter when juiced because the apples are a little tart, try adding a few drops of stevia sweetener to make it a little lighter on the palate.
Wheatgrass sunrise
Juice one whole carrot, 1 beetroot, a handful of wheatgrass and half a medium cucumber to make this colorful wheatgrass juice (this is a great glass to make if you are trying to coax your children or partner into drinking wheatgrass juice as the other ingredients mask the green color that they may have initially found off-putting).
Fresh orange wheatgrass
Add one handful of wheatgrass, 2 sweet oranges, 2 sticks of celery and a couple leaves of fresh mint to the blender and combine. Add a spoonful or so of honey to sweeten as desired.
And there you have them, the very best wheatgrass juice recipes that first got me into wheatgrass juice. They have been tried and tested time and time again so that you can have the best results when serving up a glass of wheatgrass juice for the family.
Why Do You Need a Wheatgrass Juicer?
After reading the information above about just how nutritious and wonderful wheatgrass is for the body, you are probably already halfway to the supermarket or garden center to buy your very own plant and please, don’t let me stop you.
Wheatgrass plants are really easy to take care of and can easily be found at a farmers market or fair. It can be grown at home in the water and will need a little spray now and then of water to keep it moist and encourage growth.
So if you are all ready, plant at hand and cup waiting to be filled to the brim with freshly made wheatgrass juice, the only thing you will be missing is the very best wheatgrass juicer.
Perhaps you are wondering, why do I need a specific wheatgrass machine? Will not any old juicer suffice? The truth is that wheatgrass is a leafy green and leafy greens are particularly difficult to juice without the right equipment. While some blenders will profess to be able to juice just about anything, the sad reality is that some of them fail to be able to juice the most nutritious leafy greens like wheatgrass to a good standard. So as you can see, if you know that you will be juicing wheatgrass on a regular basis, it is important to make sure you have the right juicer behind you that will extract the juice well.
But with so many different juicers on the market, it can be a real minefield and headache picking the right model. That is why the following information has been prepared to help you to choose the very best wheatgrass juicer out there. Check it out…
How To Choose a Wheatgrass Juicer
There are so many different things to think about when choosing a juicer because of the large variety of models on the market. One of the most important decisions is picking a style.
Kitchens come in all shapes and sizes, some with more cupboard and countertop space than others. That is why juicers come in all sorts of shapes too. Horizontal juicers take up more room on a kitchen work surface, not a problem for bigger kitchens with abundant storage space.
But what if you are working with a lot less storage and cupboard space or are simply looking to declutter or create a little more room on your kitchen worktop? Then a vertical juicer will be right up your street. Vertical juicers are more compact but take up more room vertically so make sure you measure the distance between your kitchen countertop and the base of your kitchen units against the size of the juicer before purchasing to make sure you will have enough room to store it without having to take the appliance to pieces after every use (now that would be annoying, not to mention time-consuming).
Then there is an even bigger matter at hand. How to choose the best wheatgrass blender, remembering that we are looking for a model that will best extract all of the goodness and juice out of your wheatgrass plant. Here are a few tips for you to consider before making a decision on what kind of model to buy:
Manual or electric.
There are many manual wheatgrass juicers on the market that extract the juice via a manual hand crank you will need to turn. These help to get a load of juice out of your wheatgrass but will not be the fastest method for you to do so.
There are also great manual wheatgrass juicers out there that will do the same job but are a lot more pricey than the manual ones. So if you are thinking of making a fabulous glass of wheatgrass juice in the morning before work and know that you are usually a little short of time in the morning, you will be better off with an electric juicer.
Adjustable end cap.
Some juicers come with a handy adjustable end cap feature that allows the consumer to adjust the backend pressure on the juicer and squeeze more juice out of the fruit or vegetables. This is especially useful on wheatgrass juicers.
Avoid centrifugal juicers.
It is recommended that you choose a masticating juicer over a centrifugal juicer if you know you will be juicing a lot of wheatgrasses. Masticating juicers grind the wheatgrass together, successfully extracting all of the juices out of it whereas a centrifugal juicer will just chop into small bits with the blades, leaving a lot of wet pulp behind.
Lots of juicers profess to be able to juice anything, but don’t take their word as gospel! What is the secret then? Make sure you choose a juicer that has the specifications mentioned above and you can’t go wrong.
Wheatgrass increases Energy and gives better Strength, and has great Anti-aging properties. It also detoxes the body of toxins.
Now that you have had a look at some of the best wheatgrass juicers on the market, I am sure you have more of an idea of the kind of specifications you are looking for in a juicer that will make it your perfect kitchen companion. So, make a note of these deal-making specifications and then scroll through the list again and shortlist the juicers that contain those all-important specs. Then, the final choice will be up to you!
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