Is there any research to back the latest smoothie craze? According to Matt Ruscigno, MPH, RD co-author of No Meat Athlete: Run on Plants and Discover Your Fittest, Fastest, Happiest Self, there is plenty of evidence that adding smoothies to your diet can boost your energy and reduce your recovery time.
Vanaheim Blender
In the documentary below ten athletes diets and training remained exactly the same, except with the addition of a quart of a green smoothie each day. The results are incredible each athletes recovery times were much shorter and they were less sore after each workout. After watching those videos I’m sure you’re asking yourself now, what’s up with the Vanaheim blender review?
Vanaheim Blender Reviews

Looking for a blender that is the real jack of all trades and master of… well all of them? If so, this
Vanaheim GB64 Professional Blender may just be the one for you.
Planning a cocktail party? Not without this blender by your side! This model has the power to crush ice or frozen fruit and other ingredients in seconds, making the perfect slushies, frozen drinks and more.
- There is no food that is too tough for this blender. Use it to pulverize nuts, coffee beans, grains and seeds.
- The fancy LED display makes it easier for you to make adjustments to settings and see how much time is left before blending is complete on pre-programmed settings.
- Fed up of cleaning? Me too! This blender has a great self-clean function. Simply fill it with hot water and a little detergent and press a speed button and the blender will clean itself in a matter of minutes. All that’s left for you is to rinse and dry it. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
- The super speed and friction from the blades means that you can heat up soups to serving temperature with this blender. Put the pots and pans away and leave it to it!
- Perfect for frozen drinks as the blades can easily crush ice
- Easy to operate
- Very powerful motor
- Sturdy and well built
- Falls on the more pricy end among others
Why Are Smoothies Good For You?
First, let’s discuss why smoothies are so good for you. With less than twenty-five percent of Americans getting the fruit and vegetable intake they need smoothies are a tasty way to do just that.
A smoothie is also a way to ensure you are receiving all the fiber and antioxidants your body needs to help you keep going, a little-known fact is that juices remove the much-needed fiber you receive from a smoothie.
All of these benefits will ensure you find yourself with more energy, additionally, if you have a family you will find no easier and fun way to make sure your kids eat healthy vegetables such as kale and spinach.
What To Look For In A Blender?
In order to make the perfect smoothie, you will need the right blender.
- To make a great smoothie ideally you want a high end blender with a minimum of 500 watts of power and a blade that can crush ice. The main two types of blenders are jar blenders and jug blenders with jar blenders being the most popular.
- Jug Blenders have many different spouts, if the main use for your blender will be making smoothies you will want to choose one with a large curved spout. While dispensing blenders seem useful they require much more cleaning so may be a lot more trouble.
- Blenders typically cost more for the more features they have however are typically worth the price tag since they will also have better commercial-grade construction
Making smoothies clearly has many health upsides and there are plenty of options for find the perfect blender to fit your needs.
If you are looking for a decent blender that will get the job done, this Vanaheim model is certainly worth checking out.
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