Are you a restaurateur? A high-quality Ice cream freezer is essential for any commercial restaurant equipment if you want to add ice cream or frozen yogurt to your restaurant’s menu. Many restaurant owners add ice cream to their menus to increase revenue. Ice cream is a great dessert and can be enjoyed any time of the day. What does your business do with ice cream?
There are some basic things you should remember once you have decided to incorporate ice cream into your business. Ice cream can be perishable if it is not properly stored. Although ice cream can still be eaten, it will have a change in flavor and texture. These are important factors for serving good ice cream. Your freezer should be kept between -10 and 20 degrees Fahrenheit. This will allow the ice cream to remain cold and keep ice crystals at bay. Your freezer should be kept between -10 and 0.
Most restaurant owners don’t realize that filling up your freezer to its maximum capacity can be detrimental to the quality of the ice cream you serve. Keep your ice cream and other products at the bottom of the freezer. This will keep your ice cream cold and fresh for your customers.
Different Treats
Ice cream should be kept at a lower temperature than normal. This makes it more durable and preserves its flavor and texture until it is ready to be served. An open container of ice cream can last for between 1 and 2 months if it is kept at room temperature. It can be kept unopened for up to 2 months.
Gelato is softer than ice cream and should be stored at a higher temperature than ice cream. Gelato should be kept in an open container for at least two weeks. It can be stored unopened for up to six months.
Frozen Yogurt (or Froyo) is different than ice cream or gelato. Frozen yogurt is made with cream. Ice cream and gelato use cream. While froyo uses milk, this reduces the product’s fat content and can affect storage conditions. Froyo can be kept in an open container for up to one month. It can also be stored unopened for up to two months.
Sorbet, however, is a totally different product. Sorbet, which is made from sweetened water and pureed fruit, is dairy-free. Sorbet has a lower fat and calorie count. Open sorbet containers can be kept for up to 1-2 months. Unopened containers can last between 2-4 months.
Different Freezers
There are many freezers that you can choose from to outfit your restaurant. You need to choose the right freezer for the product you are selling. The texture of the product can be affected if it is not stored properly. You might also get a bad reputation for making hard gelato or melting ice cream.
Dip cabinets are one of the most sought-after types of ice cream freezers. These cabinets have glass tops that allow customers to see the various flavors of ice cream available while still allowing easy access to the back. The majority of dipping cabinets can store between 3 and 39 containers of ice cream. They are available in either full-service or self-service options.
Gelato dipping cabinets are also available. These cabinets are slightly different from ice cream-dipping cabinets. Gelato is often served on trays. This means that there is less space for the product to be stored in. You can still hold multiple flavors and the glass tops allow customers to see the gelato. It also allows you to serve the gelato from the back. You can also use it to preserve the gelato at the correct temperature so that you can make soft and creamy gelato.
For selling frozen novelty items like ice cream sandwiches and popsicles, glass-top display freezers work well. These freezers are small enough to fit in the corner of a grocery store checkout or wherever else you want them to go. Despite being continuously opened, the double glass doors keep the internal temperature constant.
Another popular freezer is the commercial chest freezer. These freezers are popular for home use but also work well in commercial settings. These products are kept cold inside because they’re well insulated. These can be used in everything from convenience stores to ice cream shops. They usually have between 5-20 cubic feet of storage.
Many creameries and shops selling ice cream choose to purchase an ice cream hardening cupboard. This cabinet is ideal for businesses that make their own ice cream and need to harden it. It can hold between 20-40 containers of ice cream and is durable enough to withstand repeated, intense cleaning or servicing.
Lastly, drop-in freezers are a popular choice for restaurants. Drop-in freezers are usually found inside a counter, and customers can receive their products quickly after they pay. These are a popular choice at concession stands and snack shops. They are made from stainless steel, which is easy to clean and helps keep cold temperatures at bay.
Diverse Accessories
You have many options for accessories to add to your new ice cream freezer. A frost top (or cold slab unit) is a great option. It provides a cold surface that allows customers to add their ice cream toppings. You can also get sneeze and frost shields, tub covers, can holders, and other items.

A good ice cream freezer is essential if you want to serve ice cream, gelato, or frozen yogurt in your restaurant. There are many options available for freezers of different types. Are you looking for a cold slab or an ice cream dipping cabinet?
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