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There’s no better breakfast than a couple of boiled eggs accompanied with your favorite seeded bread and a smidgen of butter. Hard boiled eggs also make the perfect snack to tide you over between meals and jazz up the perfect salad.
As I am sure you will agree, timing is of the essence when making the best hard boiled egg, as no one likes an egg that has been boiling so long it has a gray/green ring around the yolk, and it can also be just as frustrating to crack open your egg and find that the white is still uncooked and runny.
Are you searching for the very best hard boiled egg recipe? Then look no further as listed below are the instructions for you to make your hard boiled egg just the way you like it every time.
How to achieve the perfect yolk.
If your household is anything like mine, no two people like their egg yolks cooked in the same way. My kids are pretty fussy and if their egg yolk is just a little too yellow or runny looking they will immediately regret it, so their eggs must be well done, but of course, not too well done otherwise they turn out with a gray/green ring around the yolk which as I know by experience, is simply impossible for them to put up with. By contrast, my other half is the complete opposite, I simply can’t make an egg yolk runny enough for him. If it is a weekend and I’m making homemade chips, there is nothing that will please him more than being able to dip his fries in his egg yolk.
How can one go about making the very best egg yolk that will please the whole family? Have a look at this handy egg yolk timing guide that will help you to make your eggs just the way the family likes them.
- Runny yolk. If you would like your egg yolk runny enough to be able to dip toast and fries into the yolk then cook them for a mere 4-5 minutes max. That is long enough for the white to cook but to keep the yolk runny.
- Soft yolk. Perhaps you are not too much of a fan of the runny yolk – it’s a little too uncooked for your taste, but you love the idea of a soft yolk that is easy to spread across your bread and will soak in your delicious condiments. To cook a soft yolk that is vibrantly yellow and spongy to touch, boil your eggs for just 6 to 7 minutes max.
- Hard yolk. If you are making eggs for the kids, or those who like a traditional hard boiled egg then you will want to cook them for longer. Try keeping them in the saucepan for 8-9 minutes max.
- Super hard boiled egg. If you like your eggs well done, keep them cooking for 10 to 11 minutes, this is the perfect cooking time for a fluffy and light yellow yolk. Make sure you remove the eggs from the boiling water and place them into cold water as soon as 11 minutes have elapsed, as any further cooking time will cause the egg yolk to start to turn gray and will overcook.
How to boil the perfect egg.
Now you know exactly how long you need to keep your egg boiling in the saucepan in order to cook the perfect yolk just as your family like it. So take a look at the following instructions that will help you to make the perfect boiled egg.
- Place two eggs into the base of a saucepan and then add cold water until it is ¾ full. Put the saucepan onto your stove and place the fire on high so that the water will boil. (Always place the eggs into cold water first as if they can crack while cooking when placed directly into boiling water).
- Cook the eggs for the required time according to your taste (between 4 to 12 minutes).
- Once the required cooking time has passed, remove the eggs from the heat and drain the hot water. Fill a medium sized bowl with cold water and tip the eggs into it.
- Leave the eggs to cool for 5 minutes before attempting to remove the shell. Condiment and cut as desired.
Make a meal of it.
Are you looking for an easy snack recipe using boiled eggs? Check out the following recipes that I am sure you will love:
- Sauteed asparagus, maple smoked bacon, and boiled eggs.
- Toasted multigrain bread or an artisan loaf, sliced avocado, boiled eggs, and freshly ground black pepper.
- Devilled eggs dusted in sea salt, paprika, and onion powder.
- Boiled eggs, black beans, strips of salmon, and green beans platter.
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