The keto diet is widely known for its health benefits due to putting the body in ketosis. When in ketosis, the body starts using fats to produce energy instead of carbs since there is 50g or less in the body. Therefore, the first thing that comes to our mind when speaking of the keto diet is its weight-loss benefit. However, that’s not the only health benefit of this diet. So, let’s have a look at its 8 incredible benefits to our health.

Copyright: Pixabay / author: louishansel / I License: CC0 Public Domain
1. Maintains Healthy Weight
The keto diet not only helps in losing weight but it also maintaining the same, although you can eat delicious desserts such as a keto shake. In fact, the weight-loss results of this diet last for a longer time over those of the traditional low-fat diets. Moreover, it rebalances your hormones so that your cells don’t stick to fat.
2. Controls Your Appetite
Your cravings are related to your eating habits. Hence, people who tend to eat treats usually don’t eat healthily and don’t have control over their appetite. But the keto diet changes this. Since you aren’t consuming lots of carbs, you don’t feel hungry every 2 hours or so. In that way, you gain control over your appetite and eat only when you are really hungry.
3. Reduces The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes
Being in ketosis means burning fat instead of carbs. That positively affects your bloodstream by making you more sensitive to insulin. As it’s known, high-carb diets cause your body to release too much insulin which makes cells store the energy as body fat.
But, when on a low-carb diet like this one, there are no carbs, thus there’s no excess release of insulin. This regulates the blood sugar levels. Since insulin resistance is the basic cause of type 2 diabetes, the keto diet can reduce the risk of developing this condition.
4. Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease
Heart disease is caused by LDL cholesterol. It’s because this type takes the cholesterol from the liver to the body. Not having where and how to leave the body or be reused, LDL causes heart disease.
The keto diet lowers the levels of LDL cholesterol and increases the levels of HDL cholesterol, thus helping reduce the risk of heart disease. As some studies have shown, it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in obese patients.

Copyright: Pixabay / author: louishansel / I License: CC0 Public Domain
5. Lowers Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can also cause heart problems. The keto diet helps lower blood pressure. With that, it reduces the risk of heart problems. Some patients might also get rid of their blood pressure medicines after being some time on this diet.
6. Promotes Mental Health
Neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy, are a serious problem because they prevent people from functioning properly. According to some studies, the keto diet may help to fight against these conditions by helping your brain say healthy. Although it’s still not clear why the keto diet is beneficial to mental health, it’s clear that provides the brain with fat-based fuel which allows it to function more efficiently in different ways.
7. Improves Your Focus And Boosts Your Energy
When in ketosis, your brain, as your entire body, uses ketones as fuel. That fuel is consistent and the brain can rely on it. As a result, your focus increases and your mind becomes clear. Moreover, having a consistent fuel means an energy source that never runs out. Hence, our energy levels will be constant throughout the day and we won’t feel exhausted.
8. Might Slow The Growth Of Cancer Cells
The keto diet not only changes the way our body fuels itself but it also changes the way cancer cells work. According to one research, being in ketosis might starve cancer cells due to not being able to switch their growth fuel from carbs to ketones, as the normal cells do. With that, the keto diet might slow their growth, thus giving more time to treat this health condition.
The keto diet not only helps you lose weight but it also helps you be healthy. Moreover, it prevents heart problems and promotes mental health. So, when you think about it, the keto diet takes to the ultimate state of wellbeing. And, that’s really hard to reach today.
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